Monday, June 27, 2011

Mouth Ulcers

For the last few weeks, I've been watching two small, white ulcers in Rumble's mouth.  I first noticed them because he was extra drool-y.  Out vet said to just watch them and make sure they don't get any bigger.  He also said that Rumble has probably always had this mouth ulcer virus, only now, because of the immune suppressing chemotherapy, his body is not able to fight them from popping up. 

So we've started giving Rumble half of his enzymes on his food and we are mixing the other half with some tuna juice and are putting it in a syringe, making him swallow it, in the hopes that his food tastes a little better and that he will eat more.   We did that the other day and I noticed drops of blood on the floor.  He was drooling half blood half tune juice out the side of his mouth.  Not alot, but enough to freak me out.  He has a new mouth ulcer at the corner of his mouth where his lips meet and it's super red and slightly bleeding.  I called the OSU vet and he said as long as it doesn't get in the way of his eating and he doesn't paw at it then there is not much we can do about it. 

I hate this "watch it" attitude.  Something new crops up and they just want me to watch and say to call if it gets any worse.  But in this case, it has gotten worse, I called, and they again said to just watch it.  When will Rumble finally starting feeling better?  When will he start gaining weight?  How can I help him and treat these mouth ulcers? 

He is on a drug holiday this week, so I'm hoping his body takes it easy this week and does some of the things that I want him too:  gain weight, clear up these mouth ulcers, solid poop.  Thanks for keeping him in your thoughts and prayers.

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